About Gabrielle

About Gabrielle

Who is Gabrielle

Gabrielle lives where she has always lived in the adventurous, miraculous, creative mystery of life. She wrote her first poem at the age of four.

Her imagination was constantly being stirred in childhood by the simple things in life that are all around us…a snowflake falling, a blade of grass growing, a brook flowing, a butterfly flying, music sighing, a weeping willow weeping, fresh air breathing, a rainbow bowing, a bird’s song singing and on and on…

For Gabrielle, writing comes as inspiration… an unpredictable magic. The “child in us all” can understand the deeper meaning of truth that is portrayed through the use of metaphors in her imaginative stories. Like the caterpillar that becomes the butterfly…she stopped struggling, grew wings and learned to fly in order to capture dreams and to bring to life all the little stars she writes about.

What makes life worth living?

Caring and sharing with the children, the animals, our earth…not just for some but for all of its inhabitants and having the freedom to follow our “dreams” and make them come true…

Over the years, she has personally read her stories in different schools before children of different ages. A special project in an elementary school involved a fifth grade art class illustrating three of her stories.  It was noted by teachers and parents that the children’s behavior improved and they were affected in positive ways by these stories.  It was also observed that an autistic child in the class became proactive, communicated in his own special way and participated in this project successfully.

In 1990 Gabrielle was published as “a special guest contributor” in Colorado Grassland Anthology.

In 1991 Gabrielle’s writings reached the White House.  Barbara Bush’s personal representative was directed to call Gabrielle and express the First Lady’s regard for her efforts in writing this body of work for children.

In 1996 Gabrielle wanted to “make a difference” in the lives of children in a profound way and began working creatively with troubled youth using her positive, esteem-building stories and music.

In a residential treatment center, she directed a special project called “Expressions” and in this capacity was able to tap into the creative “treasures” buried deep within these discouraged young people.   The rowdy, misbehaving children, who had previously been unable to focus in any way, later expressed their desire for “peace” with themselves first and then in the world after experiencing this therapeutic work through sound.  The labels placed on the children seem to melt away.  Gabrielle saw a great difference in their lives which stemmed from their own unique talents being developed and encouraged in positive ways.

In 1997 Gabrielle’s first musical, “Do You Have Time To Be My Friend?” came alive on stage in Michigan.   The winter musical was performed by 100 children in ballet and a portion of the proceeds were donated to the local shelter for women and children.

In 2001 Gabrielle was asked by author,  Ms. Doreen Virtue, PHD,  to contribute to the creative chapter entitled “Creative Outlets” in her book “The Care and Feeding of the Indigo Children”.

In 2004 Gabrielle’s music and stories were archived at the White House in Washington D.C.

From the United Kingdom, to Russia with love and the books that were donated to the children of Iraq, Gabrielle’s music and stories have reached across the globe with a unique message of hope and peace.

Gabrielle’s motto is “Focusing Children’s Energy in Positive Directions”.  She feels her stories and music have done this over the years.  Her music-story time has been featured at local Borders Stores and through Words of Discovery in the United Kingdom.  She participated at the Cancer Relay for Life in Colorado donating time to children at the event.

You are about to experience Gabrielle’s latest creative endeavor.  The Dreamland Carousel Adventures brings many of the facets of her 27-year work together through song and story.  All of these experiences have helped to create this album of Dreamland Adventures and Lullabies.

Each of the songs and stories on these albums came as inspiration.  They always flow in gently without struggle or thought.  They are written to inspire the “child in us all”.

Adventures with characters from each season…winter, spring, summer and autumn along with other inspired characters…like moonbeams, the midnight blue pony, butterflies, and fairies…will soothe children as they are ready to enter dreamland at night.

Children will hear music and stories that will take them soaring into beautiful uplifting nighttime, dream-time lands.

So “hop on a dream and spread your wings with me whether you are a child or an adult…Are you ready?…

Then one, two three, four…go with me to Dreamland’s Door…


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