Princess Water Lily…Chief Thumper…The Great Escape

Who would have known that these two rabbits could magically escape into the Hoop House from their “bunny hutch”?

Were they, perhaps, looking for the Dream Catcher to spin?  Were they just learning to become adventurers who were exploring every nook and cranny of the Hoop House?

Who knows…they wouldn’t tell me one word about their adventure.  All I can say is that they were very, very, very sleepy the next morning since they were out all night climbing, jumping, hopping, nibbling, cavorting, rolling, tumbling, scratching, digging, exploring and on and on…

They did leave clues behind in the Hoop House so being curious, I played detective.

The middle bed where the lettuce, spinach, blueberries and grapes are planted had been freshly dug near the trellises.  The holes seemed to disappear below where the twigs, small logs, and straw had been intertwined to build the permaculture bed for planting all the seed this coming spring.

Had the Adventuress, Princess Water Lily  and the Adventurer…Chief Thumper found another world below the middle garden bed of lettuce above?  If they did explore below the lettuce bed, what do you think they found there…worms?…mushrooms?…or even more…a small…small world of nature?

When I found them out of their “bunny house” in the morning, I found more clues.  Why were their doors shut to the “bunny hutch”?  Had they secretly known how to open them?  But, how could they open them from the inside…the locks are all on the outside.  There is no way possible…And then, how did they know to shut the doors so that it looked like they had magically escaped like Houdini.

I asked everyone that was around the next day if they had gone into the Hoop House and let them out the day before…No, everyone said.  So no one had entered the Hoop House.

I found Chief Thumper, Adventurer, in the turnip and beet bed almost asleep from being tired from his all night expedition to “all things adventure”.  

Princess Water Lily was softly hopping slowly on the path that circles the middle lettuce bed wondering how to return to her soft straw and juicy orange carrots in the “bunny hutch”…

My mouth was open wide as I still could not shed light on how and when the “great escape” had occurred…I went to Chief Thumper…picked him up without any worry, hurry, scurry, flurry on his part and gently placed him back in his “bunny hutch”.  Truthfully, he was too tired to care.

 I then went to find Princess Water Lily who still was barely hopping on the path since she was very tired from her adventure, too.

I picked her up…rubbed her head…and then gently placed her next to Chief Thumper so that the Adventuress and Adventurer were safe and sound back in the “bunny hutch”.  

They both laid down beside each other sleepily closing their eyes…but, I could swear Princess Water Lily’s one eye twinkled at me just before it closed saying “what a great adventure to see if the Dream Catcher was here yet…we couldn’t wait to see if the Dream Catcher was ready to spin.”

I whispered to Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper that the Dream Catcher was not in the Hoop House yet…but soon, it would be placed there so they could both have the first adventure.  Until then, they had to be good, patient bunnies and never plan another “great escape”.  

Who will ever know just what happened in the Hoop House when Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper magically escaped into the night to play.  One thing for sure…there is something very mysterious about those two rabbits and they are keeping it a secret.

Can you find a word in this story that is italicized?  Be sure to look for the word because we will be talking a lot in future stories about what this word means.  It is a very important word that will tell you a lot about how the Hoop House grows food in a special way.

In the mean time…watch for the Dream Catcher to appear so Princess Water Lily or Chief Thumper can spin for their first adventure. 

Stay tuned…talk soon…




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