The Adventure of Princess Water Lily, Chief Thumper and the Dream Catcher…

DreamcatcherIn the last G.A.B. I told you about the Hoop House having much in common with a Dream Catcher.

Before we talk about why the Hoop House and the Dream Catcher have a lot in common, I must tell you how much Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper love their new “bunny hutch” in the Hoop House.  Their “bunny hutch” arrived and we put it together then placed it in the Hoop House near the waterfall and pond.

The “bunny hutch” has two levels with a ramp between so there is lots of space and room for the bunnies to travel back and forth.  They are so happy to be together again.  One day I saw Princess Water Lily stretched out over the top of Chief Thumper’s back as if to say…you can never leave me again.  You are staying put!!!!!!!

Soon they will begin their adventures in the Hoop House with the Dream Catcher.

First, I want to tell you a true story about the Dream Catcher in case you don’t know what a Dream Catcher is.

Dream Catchers originated with a people called Ojibwe.  These people were important in connecting the Dream Catcher with other Indian nations and cultures.  The Ojibwe were also called Chippewa.

I prefer to call the tribe by Chippewa since I found out that I have ancestors that belonged to the Chippewa tribe that settled in Oklahoma. 

The Ojibwe or Chippewa  have a great legend.

I would like to tell you about this great legend especially about the 8-pointed Dream Catcher.

The eight points relate to the number of legs on the Spider Woman of the Ojibwe Dream Catcher legend.  There are people who tell stories about the Spider Woman.   Spider Woman was known as Asibikaashi.  Asibikaashi took care of the “children and the people on the land”.  As the tribes spread across the country, legend tells us that it was harder for Asibikaashi to reach the children.  

Tradition had the mothers and grandmothers weave magical webs for the children.  They used willow hoops and sinew (made from plants).

Thus, the Native American tradition of Dream Catchers was created to filter out “bad dreams”.  Only “good dreams” were then allowed to enter where the children slept.

So the Dream Catcher is made in the shape of a “hoop” or “circle” as is the “Hoop House” made from hoops of half circles.  This is what they have in common.   So now you know.

Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper have their own 8-pointed Dream Catcher in their own Hoop House that you can see here in their picture.

I have mentioned previously that Princess Water Lily, the Adventuress, has a secret.  I am not going to tell you her secret… NOT YET!  

It will soon be time for you to go on many adventures with Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper now that they have their Dream Catcher…but, there is only one “catch”  to the “dream” of having these adventures.

Can you guess????????

Yes, you are correct…they must “spin” the Dream Catcher before entering each adventure to see where they go.  

Who will spin the Dream Catcher first…will it be Princess Water Lily, Adventuress, or Chief Thumper, Adventurer????????

Stay Tuned…talk soon…


P.S.  Can you find a circle on our website that contains “happy dreams”…HINT…maybe Princess Water Lily and Chief Thumper will go to visit “Dreamland” where “happy dreams live”.  

See if you can find the Dreamland circle…Can you count how many circles are in the circle of  Dreamland?    







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